Modelling and Analysis of Optical Fibre Telecommunication Systems




New Information
First lecture: 30 September 2008, 16 h

Location:  Laboratório de Telecomunicações nº4, 4th floor, Torre Norte, IST
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General information

This course belongs to the group of courses on Telecommunication Systems and Networks.

This series of lectures on optical fibre telecommunication systems is suitable for post-graduate students in telecommunications, particularly in optical communications.

Approximately 35 hours of lectures will be given.

The lectures will be given in English in the first semester.


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Teaching Staff
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Optically amplified dispersion-compensated multi-wavelength systems have become the new paradigm of optical fibre telecommunication systems.

To assess correctly the performance of such systems, it is necessary to know the system structure, and rigorous modeling of the sub-systems and accurate methods of performance analysis are required.

The main objective of this course is to provide the theoretical background and fundamentals of rigorous modelling and methods necessary to design modern optical fibre telecommunication systems.


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 1.     Generating functions in telecommunications. Definitions, properties, and bounds. Methods of bit error probability computation: exact, bounds, and approximations.

2.     Modelling and characterisation of optical receivers. Optical receivers without optical pre-amplification: marked and filtered Poisson process. Optically pre-amplified receivers: characterisation of optical amplifiers, squared and filtered additive Gaussian noise process and doubly stochastic Poisson process. Optical signalling and intersymbol interference. 

3.     Modelling and characterisation of optical transmitters. Characterisation of noise of optical sources. External modulation of optical sources.  Advanced modulation formats.

4.     Optical fibre transmission systemsOptical fibre transmission systems. Linear and non-linear transmission. Dispersion management schemes. Intra-channel nonlinear effects. Optical time division multiplexing and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems. Optically amplified systems: linear and nonlinear transmission of optical amplifiers’ noise.

5.     Crosstalk in WDM systems. Classification of optical crosstalk. Nonlinear optical crosstalk in optically amplified transmission systems: four-wave mixing, cross-phase modulation, and stimulated Raman scattering. Characterisation and modelling of linear optical crosstalk in optically amplified systems. Methods of performance analysis.

Some topics on simulation and numerical issues will be discussed. 


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Grading policy

1.     Three individual problem sets will be issued with specific due dates.

2.     A final project (numerical simulation and/or computational work)




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It will be assumed that the students had some prior exposure to:
1. Telecommunication Fundamentals
2. Optical Fiber Telecommunication Systems


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TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS, 16:00 to 17:30

Location: Laboratório de Telecomunicações nº4, 4th floor,  Torre Norte, IST

Remark: it is requested that all students arrive before 16:05. 
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There are no formal textbooks. The following material is very helpful and contains almost all of the subjects that will be presented.

•        K. Cattermole, J. O’Reilly (Eds.), “Problems of randomness in communication engineering”, in “Mathematical topics in                           Telecommunications”, vol. 2, Pentech Press, 1984

•        E. Iannone, F. Matera, A. Mecozzi, M. Settembre, “Nonlinear optical communication networks”, John Wiley & Sons, 1998

•        G. Jacobsen, “Noise in digital optical transmission systems”, Artech House, 1994

•        I. Kaminow, Tingye Li (eds.), “Optical fiber telecommunications IV”, Academic Press, 2003

•        I. Monroy, E. Tangdiongga, “Crosstalk in WDM communication networks”, Kluwer Acad. Publ., 2002

•        Several papers of IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology.

Copies of the viewgraphs and other supporting material will be available before each lecture


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Last update on 15th September 2008.
Updated by Adolfo Cartaxo.